For Health

Technology: Transforming Service Delivery.
We transform service delivery by developing, configuring, and implementing solutions that improve performance, reduce costs, establish agility and offer resilience while creating value.
Data Production and Use: Leveraging Data as a Business Asset
We focus on developing data architectures and data management strategies while ensuring that our clients data driven objectives have the capacity needed to embed new analytics capabilities into their business processes.
Public Health: Strengthening Public Health Service Delivery
We help public healthcare service providers across Low to Middle Income Countries build capabilities to deliver high quality healthcare outcomes by providing technology. We also review costs and device strategies to reduce overall costs and improve efficiency in supply chain operations.
We deliver tangible business transformational results.
S4D Core Services are focused on identifying information technology business needs; deploy solutions to improve business process in a cost-effective manner and provide long-term maintenance and support for ICT-based systems. We provide expertise in the following core functions:
Our Clients

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